Elevating Your Voice in the Boardroom
As Founder & CEO of Women Get On Board, I often reflect on my board journey over the last two decades on both public and private company boards and the public and not-for-profit sector boards. Due to this, I know the challenges that women face when finding and elevating their voices in the boardroom. Whether you are a new board member appointed to a long-tenured board of directors or the “token” woman at the boardroom table, it’s vital to feel confident speaking up. In my latest blog, 'Elevating Your Voice in the Boardroom,' I discuss that in order to find and elevate your boardroom voice, women must embrace [...]
Position Your Board Offer
As Founder & CEO of Women Get On Board, I believe that positioning your board offer takes time, creativity, feedback and continuous effort. It is a journey, and it is filled with constant learning up, leaning in and getting sponsored. In my latest blog, I share some helpful strategies for positioning your first board offer: Position Your Board Offer
The Power of Trust
In my over 35 years as an executive, corporate director and entrepreneur, one force has made a difference more than any other: trust. I have consistently noticed the potent power of trust at the boardroom table and beyond. To help new and experienced board members dig deeper into this topic, I wrote this blog that shares practical insights on: What is trust? Why trust is important for boards My 6 Cs of trust What is trust? At its most basic level, trust is “the belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, and effective.” But what does that mean in practical terms? Essentially, trust is an understanding that [...]
#My3words for 2022
#My3words for 2022 are light, lift and laugh. Before I tell you why I chose these words, let me tell you what #my3words means. In 2015, I read about Chris Brogan’s idea of choosing 3 words each New Year. I’ve been choosing my own 3 words ever since (read my full list below). These 3 words serve as guideposts for my path and my choices for the upcoming year. They help me keep my goals and values at the front and centre of everything I do. They remind me to work on things that matter and cast-off actions that don’t move the needle. I encourage everyone in my [...]
The Power of Mentorship
Introduction Since beginning my professional career over 35 years ago, I have seen the power of mentorship to affect meaningful, real-world change in advancing gender diversity in the boardroom. In fact, mentorship is one reason I launched Women Get On Board Inc. (WGOB) in the first place. By creating a community of women corporate directors and aspiring women corporate directors, mentorship relationships have organically occurred and helped more women get on boards. To further the power of mentorship to promote women leaders and accelerate their board journey, we launched the WGOB Mentorship Program. In this blog, I want to share what I’ve learned about mentorship so that you [...]
Board Diversity: Are You an Agent of Change?
It still surprises me that there has not been more progress in corporate Canada to add more women to TSX-listed boards. It has been seven years since the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) implemented disclosure rules mandating that TSX-listed companies "comply or explain" their board diversity figures. The move was intended to lead to positive changes in how corporate boards recruit new board members. According to the recent Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt report, 2021 Diversity Disclosure Practices, 23.4 % of board seats among TSX listed companies in 2020 have women on their boards, increasing almost 2% since 2019. This increase shows some progress but is still lagging in gender parity [...]