It’s that time of year again—time for #My3words. It’s my pleasure to announce that #My3words for 2024 are advocate, listen and lift.

Why do I select #my3words each year? In 2015, I read about Chris Brogan’s idea to choose three words in the new year to guide your choices and actions. Ever since, I’ve been picking my own three words (read my complete list below) to serve as guideposts for my path, helping me keep my goals and values at the forefront of everything I do. They remind me to focus on what matters and let go of what does not.

This year, #My3words were inspired by Gavriella Schuster, Board Executive and DEI Advocate. She joined us as a guest speaker at our Women Get On Board Inc. virtual session that tackled a timely topic: allyship. To break down the core behaviours of an ally, Gavriella introduced the acronym ALLIES. Her powerful discussion on the role of allies in enabling diversity galvanized me, igniting my desire to do even more this year to support the next generation of women in business. Guided by her framework, I have chosen the first three letters of the acronym and their meanings: Advocate, Listen and Lift as #My3words this year.

Here is what #My3words for 2024 mean to me:

Advocate: Advocating for oneself or others is a powerful tool for positive change, promoting justice and ensuring every voice is heard.

This year, I’m committing to advocate for myself and others. Advocating for oneself involves standing up for yourself first, while advocating for others entails supporting and championing the rights, concerns, and voices of those who may be unable to do so themselves. Whether advocating for oneself or others, it’s important to approach each situation with empathy, understanding and a commitment to making meaningful progress. Effective advocacy can promote empowerment, awareness, and positive change that will lay the foundation for a better tomorrow.

Listen: Be open-minded, stay curious and learn from others.

One of my goals for 2024 is to become a more effective listener. Effective listening as an ally involves an ongoing commitment to understanding, empowering and advocating for others. Committing to listening can contribute to a more inclusive and compassionate community, fostering change and advancing the rights and well-being of those you seek to support.

Lift: Lifting yourself before lifting others is an important practice. Taking care of your well-being is crucial to effectively support and uplift those around you.

I know from experience that when you lift yourself, you will be in a better place to support and lift others. That’s why I’m focusing on lifting myself this year through self-care and education, recognizing that when I’m at my best, I can provide the most meaningful support to others. Balancing care for oneself and caring for others is an ongoing process and finding that balance is key to a fulfilling and purposeful life.

To stay on track in 2024, I encourage you to select your own #My3words. Your words will influence your actions and help you achieve your goals this year.

To make sure they’re effective, I always advise people to keep their words top of mind. Post them at your desk, journal about them, schedule reminders in your calendar and—most importantly—integrate them into your decision-making process. By making this commitment now and staying focused on it throughout the year, you can take steps toward meaningful progress in your personal and professional life.

#My3words over the years:

2023: Elevate, Innovate, Sustain
2022: Light, Lift, Laugh
2021: Reach, Shine, Connect
2020: Energize, Elevate, Empower
2019: Breathe, Build, Empower
2018: Connect, Cultivate, Communicate
2017: Shine, Nurture, Grow
2016: Leverage, Focus, Empower
2015: Inspire, Breathe, Build