
Understanding Your Role on a Board

September 15th, 2015|

There are two roles you must play on a Board, one is Oversight and the other is Value-add.  I will highlight both roles with an extract from a chapter that I co-authored with Donna Price in 2008’s Entrepreneurial Effect by James Bowen and Glenn Cheriton, titled Corporate Governance-Directors of Emerging Companies. (To promote understanding of a director’s role on a board and how to prepare for board opportunities, and as a co-founder of Women Get On Board, I am co-facilitating a series of Getting Board-ready workshops from October to December 2015. Learn more about them here:  Hope to see you there!) The Oversight role on a Board [...]

Are You Board-ready?

August 13th, 2015|

Getting yourself board-ready is a journey where you need to be realistic in your skills, experience and value you bring to a board. You also need to be mindful that it is a very competitive marketplace. There is an over-supply of qualified corporate directors for a limited supply of available corporate board seats. So, how do you start your journey to get board-ready so you can compete for a corporate board seat?  The first step is to ask yourself these 10 questions to determine your readiness for leading and serving on a corporate board. 10 Board-Ready Questions 1. Do you have a minimum of 10 to 15 years of [...]

Give Generously, Receive Graciously

July 30th, 2015|

I grew up in a family of giving; it has always been a part of who I am and what I do. To that end I strive to live by this famous quote:  "We make a Living by what we get, but we make a Life by what we give." (To my dear sons, I hope you give generously and receive graciously!) When reading Adam M. Grant's book, Give and Take, on the topic of giving, I was inspired to explore the social style of giving; how when one gives generously they get far more than what they give.  According to Adam M. Grant there are three styles [...]

Are You a Connector?

June 18th, 2015|

Connecting people is an art. Connecting opens up a world of potential opportunity for yourself and others. All of us are connected in some way, but many of us don’t use our networks. Are you a connector? I ask this question as there are a few people that I know who are great connectors and I wonder what makes them unique. According to Malcolm Gladwell in his book Tipping Point there are three types of people, Mavens, Connectors and Salespeople: "Connectors make change happen through people. They galvanize people. They’re natural hubs. That’s just the way they’re oriented to the world. These are people who, every time you [...]

The Power of Sponsoring

May 26th, 2015|

I am often asked what the difference is between mentoring and sponsoring. There seems to be a good deal of confusion between the two since both are centered on asking people to help you advance in your career.  So what is the difference between mentoring and sponsoring? Mentoring is about advising and sponsoring is about acting. In a New York Times op-ed article by Sylvia Ann Hewlett, she explains the difference between sponsors and mentors this way: “Mentors act as a sounding board or a shoulder to cry on, offering advice as needed and support and guidance as requested; they expect very little in return. Sponsors, in contrast, [...]

The Power of Mentoring

March 30th, 2015|

The concept of mentoring is a 20th century term. Thirty years ago mentoring on a business level didn't even exist. It wasn’t mentioned or promoted as a way to network or learn from people who had the positions that you aspired to.  So what did we did we do before mentoring came in vogue in this highly competitive market place? We chose and emulated people who inspired us to help us reach our goals. My first mentor was father. He inspired my business career and in the last 15 years I’ve had the opportunity to be a mentor and a mentee. Look for a mentor outside of your [...]

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